Meet Program Specialist Sandy Montross
“What I enjoy most about working at UC Davis is the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students,” says Sandy Montross, who has been working in International Programs at UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education for nearly 15 years.
During that time, she has worked in a variety of roles, and currently serves as a program specialist managing all non-youth programs (from application to graduation and everything in-between) and working directly with partners, agents and students.
Tell me about your background and what brought you to UC Davis.
Prior to coming to UC Davis CPE, my professional work experience was in the private sector. I have degrees in business, have worked for several large companies in upper management roles, led corporate acquisitions, and have owned and operated several businesses.
I decided to leave the private sector in search of better work life balance and a flexible schedule. I landed a job in the UC Davis International Law Program in 2010, where I gained experience with our international students and was immediately intrigued by the opportunity to be a part of their experience in the U.S. When a career position in our International Programs became available, I jumped at the chance to take the lead in the development of International Youth Programs.
I have enjoyed working at UC Davis International Programs for so long because there is always a challenge to be met, an opportunity to improve and grow, and an ever-changing international student education experience to be achieved.
What international experience do you have?
In many ways, I was an international student. My mother was from Ireland and my father from Finland. Finish was the predominant language spoken in our home. I clearly remember my first day of kindergarten a not feeling like I immediately fit in. Through the support of my teacher and family, I was able to make the adjustment and became an enthusiastic student. As an adult, I lived in Canada for several years. Even though it is our neighboring country and English speaking on the western side, it still was a foreign country to a small town upstate New Yorker.
What are you most excited about your current role?
I am excited about the challenges to continually improve and provide a quality product that can adapt to the changing educational needs of students, and to apply the knowledge I have gained through working our International Youth Programs for so many years.
Tell us some fun facts about yourself.
In high school I had a painting exhibited in the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art in New York City. I took up skydiving to overcome my fear of heights and became a Jump Master. I have had a bridal gown design business, designed circuit boards and still make lollipops as a side hustle.