Youth Programs Student Reviews

Kasa Chan in SFKasa Chan, Hong Kong, Youth Programs

“It was awesome studying in a university setting. My favorite part is that we not only get to study English, but also we have a lot of fun.” 

Chaucer, UC Davis College Preparation Summer Academy student

“I learned some useful information about UC universities and how to write an essay. I'm sure that I will use the skills that l learned from the program in the future.​” 

Huaizhe Chen, UC Davis College Preparation Summer Academy student

I learned lots of useful information about UC systems and the things I need to do to apply for these colleges. It makes me realize that I should think about every aspect of the school rather than using ranking on US News as the only standard. Residence halls at UC Davis are amazing!​” 

Zhaozhong (Tony) Du

“Tony” Du came to the UC Davis U.S. College Preparation Program when he was a junior in high school in China. He expressed interest in applying to a liberal arts school in the United States, so during his junior year he applied to 11 schools. Six schools accepted him—including Pratt Institute, Maryland Institute College of Art, Temple University, University of Colorado Boulder, New Jersey Institute of Technology and University of Massachusetts Amherst. He chose the University of Massachusetts Amherst and graduated in February 2019. He is currently applying to graduate schools and plans to pursue a master’s. Tony is one of many who have been admitted to universities across the United States after attending the U.S. College Preparation Program. These students not only become more knowledgeable about applying to a U.S. college, but have better writing skills, too. They are always thrilled when they receive a letter of recommendation from the instructor after completing the program requirements.