close up of cell phone in hand

How to Stay Safe and Avoid Scams

Think Safe. Act Safe. Be Safe.

Our goal at UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education – International is for all of our students to have a safe and memorable experience. One way that we can ensure this is to make sure our students are vigilant and know how to protect themselves from falling victim to scams.

Unfortunately, scams targeting international students are on the rise. Individuals with misleading and dishonest intentions may try to take advantage of international students as they adjust to their new environments. Such scams are fraudulent and illegal and are often designed to steal money from unsuspecting victims. New technologies and the internet are making these types of scams more common than ever before.

Tips to help you avoid becoming a victim:

  • Never give your personal information, bank information and other details about yourself to someone on the telephone.
  • Government offices (in your home country or the U.S.) will not call you and ask for information on the telephone. If you receive a call from someone who claims to be a government official, ask for their name, telephone number, badge/identification number, and the agency that they work for.  
  • Report to your advisor or another UC Davis International programs staff member immediately if you believe you are a victim of a scam. All of us are here to help you.
  • Avoid answering your cell phone if you do not recognize the number of the caller.

Learn more about scams targeting international students and how to stay safe.




  1.  銀行口座や暗証番号を含む個人情報を電話やEメールなどで共有しない。
  2. 自国や他国を問わず政府や公的機関が電話やEメールなどで個人情報の提供を求めることはないので返信も含め一切の対応を取らない。
  3. もし被害に合ったと疑う場合はUCDの所属プログラムの教職員に連絡する。
  4. もし心当たりのない電話番号から着信があった場合は応答しない。




  1. 不要把个人信息,包括银行信息和其他一些相关信息在电话里告知他人。
  2. 切记,你本国的政府机构是不会打电话给你、并且索要以上信息的。如果你接到电话有自称来自政府的工作人员索要你的信息,你一定要先追问对方的姓名、电话、证件号码以及所在机构。
  3. 如果你认为欺诈案件已经发生并且你是受害者,请立刻和我们相关IEP/GSP工作人员联系。我们全体员工将竭力帮助你。
  4. 如果有你不认识的号码打给你电话,请不要接听。


Tips para evitar ser una víctima de estafas:

  1. Nunca entregues tu información personal, incluyendo datos del banco u otros detalles de ti mismo por teléfono.
  2. Las oficinas gubernamentales, tanto en los Estados Unidos como en otros países, no se comunicarán contigo ni pedirán información de ti por telefono. Si recibes una llamada de alguien que dice ser oficial del gobierno, pregunta por su nombre, número de teléfono, placa/número de identificiación y la agencia para la que trabajan.
  3. Reporta a tu advisor o el personal de UC Davis International Programs si crees que has sido víctima de una estafa. Todos estamos aquí para ayudarte.
  4. Evita contestar llamadas de tu celular si no reconoces el número telefonico.