College Readiness for Junior High School Students

Program at-a-Glance
2 Weeks

Open to students entering grades 7-9

It’s never too early to start thinking about college. The skills you develop in middle school and high school can prepare you for college and keep you on the path toward academic success. Designed for 7th-9th graders, this course helps students improve study skills and strengthen their academic abilities.

The instructor will guide students through three main topic areas focusing on learning and study strategies essential for university study. Students will improve academic skills related to reading, writing and critical thinking while experiencing a university classroom environment. In addition, course activities and assignments will help students be better prepared when the time comes to apply for a top-level university. 

Course content will be organized around hot topics in current events on a state, national and global scale. This quarter’s topics include Leaders of the Past and Leaders of Today, Culture and Policy: Comparative Global Politics, and Examining Sustainable Development Goals on a State, National and Global Scale. Focusing on these topics will provide chances for you to hone your new skills in meaningful and engaging classes, and help you dive into what UC Davis does best! (We’re currently tied at number one in the country for internationalization and diversity!)

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